Youngest kid of six with an inferiority and black sheep complex, but determined that God saves not just his soul to heaven but the remainder of his manic-depressive life, so others won't say he became a Christian and remained a jerk.


On identity
i won't be transparent before i'm opaque. and you'll get to know me starting from the small things: who my favourite bands are. what kind of movies i like. who are my heroes.

On Christianity
I’m convinced that when confronted with sincere, real love, the Jesus factor will become obvious. But let’s not plant the cross before we carry it. I’m not trying to con you.

On dreams
Some dreams are meant to be achieved. I know that. But maybe other dreams are meant to drive us, privately. Never known to anyone but ourselves.


On melancholy
It is a sadness that, when choosing between crying and sighing, will choose sighing. I'd almost say that melancholy is being sad about sadness itself.

On memory and nostalgia
It saddens me when life moves forward and people decide that certain things are worth forgetting.

On language
I've learnt that the word irregardless is filed as a non-standard word in the English language. That's a lexicographer's way of saying it's not a real word.

On politics
Crowds are fickle things. So when we stand in the thousands and cry against the present government, do we know who we're actually crying for?

On society
People always want the best for themselves. But I want to sometimes take second or third or fourth best, just so that the loser down the road doesn't always have to come in last. It must feel like shit to always come in last.

On growing old
Leasehold property make me feel sad. It doesn't matter how old the family photos are that you put on your wall. It's your family but it's not really your wall.

On philosophy
I ask you, if God loves everyone, and if God is also incapable of loving evil, how can there be such a thing as an evil man?

On a daily basis
One line quips, like this.


Thursday, October 28, 2004

I feel so blessed this morning.

Last night i visited SIB KL's BM church in chow kit with stacey and ong. it was such a blessing to me. actually, ever since i flicked through joshua's malay bible, it's been put in my heart what SIB is all about - reaching out to the indigenous ( peoples' of malaysiaor perhaps, more appropriately, reaching in). it seems so clear to me now how the salvation of this nation is going to come from this. up till last night, i'd only known three malay worship songs (two of which are usually only dug up around merdeka time, haha!). today, i got ready for work with a few new ones in my head.

for someone who lives in a fairly insulated anglocentric world, this was one of those things, like a "glimpse" thing that i sometimes get in the middle of worship or a sermon or something. i had this glimpse last night of what it might be like if we had a nation strong in the gospel, worshipping Tuhan Yesus in an indigenised way.

"Bersyukurlah aku pada pagi ini. kerana semalam, Tuhanku menunjuk kepadaku rasanya apabila saudara Malaysia yang berbilang kaum dan keturunan, tetapi semuanya dalam Yesus, berkumpul untuk memuji namanya. terima kasih, Bapaku di syurga. dalam nama Yesus Kristus, raja penyelamatku, Amen!"

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Genusfrog [ 1:04 am ]


  • Tuhan Yesus, aku mengucap syukur kepada-Mu diatas pengorbanan-Mu di atas kayu salib. Dengan kasih karunia-Mu yang sangat besar juga, Engkau telah mengumpulkan anak-anakMu untuk memuji dan memuliakan nama-Mu yang berkuasa & ajaib. Sungguhku menantikan saat seluruh orang-orang kudus-Mu dari segala bangsa, para malaikat malah segala ciptaan-Mu, dengan satu suara mengangkat puji-pujian, hormat dan kemuliaan kepada-Mu di Sorga. Kerna Engkau saja yang layak diagungkan, disembah, ditinggikan dan dimuliakan atas seluruh bumi. Allah yang hidup, Raja di atas segala Raja, Tuhan atas segala tuhan....
    Engkau segalanya bagiku kerna Engkau telah menebusku dari lubang kubur, mengasihiku ketika aku masih berdosa dan tetap setia menuntunku dalam perlumbaan iman yang Engkau telah tetapkan dalam hidupku. Makanya aku lebih dari pemenang sebab Engkau telah mengalahkan maut dan aku percaya kepada-Mu, Yesus Penebusku, segala kemuliaan hanya bagi-Mu. Dalam nama Yesus, Tuhan dan Juruselamatku - Aku mengucap syukur diatas segalanya. Amen.

    Pls read "Heaven Is So Real" by Choo Thomas
    Visit the website for more details. I believe you will be very much blessed with this end time message......

    ~~ Stumbled....but I Shall Rise Again, to finish the Race of Faith and to be Crowned with the Crown of Life! ~~

    - decrowned1

    By Blogger Genusfrog, at 12:16 pm  

  • hey this reminds me
    do you know the name of one disiples of Jesus who got crucified upside down in the rome colussium ?

    - Formality with cruelty are the clothes i never take of

    By Blogger Genusfrog, at 12:17 pm  

  • St. Peter was the disciple who was martyred and buried in the Vatican in Rome.

    It was good to read your 'Glimpse of what it might be', Fergusong, and to share your joy. God grant that your dream may come true through the work of all those bringing the Gospel to the indigenous people of Malaysia.

    - olive

    By Blogger Genusfrog, at 12:17 pm  

  • she ain't your scene, mate?

    - GCB

    By Blogger Genusfrog, at 12:17 pm  

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